Realtime spatial audio model of the objects orbiting Earth. Visitors walk within an array of surround-sound speakers to hear satellites pass slowly overhead. The computer running the speaker array retrieves satellite orbital data and audio files from an online database, which itself uses the API of to retrieve two-line-element (TLE) orbital descriptions and calculate observed paths from the points of view of particular places on Earth. It works similarly to other satellite tracking and visualization efforts, such as,, and, but instead of using these calculations to create online maps or visuals of orbiting satellites, Sonic Planetarium describes satellite paths from the position of an observer using sound. [github]
Things I do/did: Collaborate with artist Heidi Neilson to design and implement database structure, synchronization with, django admin-based web interface, API for fetching satellite and trajectory data, rclone-based audio synchronization, Datatables public frontend, max/msp assistance, and of course installation assistance.
Tools/tech involved: Django, max/msp, rclone, python, mysql, javascript, jquery, datatables, AWS S3